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Integrating DCA (JS/TS)

Following code is tested to work with

NodeJS v20
@jup-ag/[email protected]

To ease integration, you may want to use Jupiter's DCA SDK

The following example is for a NodeJS environment. This example can be adapted to work in a frontend browser application. The only difference is in how you sign and send a transaction.

Code example and description as comments in-line:

  1. Create a project directory and install dependencies:
mkdir dca-bot
cd dca-bot
npm init -y
npm i @solana/web3.js@1 @jup-ag/[email protected] dotenv
  1. Create a Typescript file with the following:
import { CloseDCAParams, DCA, Network, type CreateDCAParamsV2, type DepositParams, type WithdrawParams } from '@jup-ag/dca-sdk';
import { Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, sendAndConfirmTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

const connection = new Connection('');

const dca = new DCA(connection, Network.MAINNET);
const user = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array(JSON.parse(process.env.USER_PRIVATE_KEY))); // create a .env file and include your wallet private key as an array

const USDC = new PublicKey('EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v');
const BONK = new PublicKey('DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263');

async function createDCA() {
const params: CreateDCAParamsV2 = {
payer: user.publickey, // could have a different account pay for the tx (make sure this account is also a signer when sending the tx)
user: user.publicKey,
inAmount: BigInt(5_000_000), // buy a total of 5 USDC over 5 days
inAmountPerCycle: BigInt(1_000_000), // buy using 1 USDC each day
cycleSecondsApart: BigInt(86400), // 1 day between each order -> 60 * 60 * 24
inputMint: USDC, // sell
outputMint: BONK, // buy
minOutAmountPerCycle: null, // effectively allows for a max price. refer to Integration doc
maxOutAmountPerCycle: null, // effectively allows for a min price. refer to Integration doc
startAt: null, // unix timestamp in seconds
userInTokenAccount, // optional: if the inputMint token is not in an Associated Token Account but some other token account, pass in the PublicKey of the token account, otherwise, leave it undefined

const { tx, dcaPubKey } = await dca.createDcaV2(params);
const txid = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [user]);

console.log('Create DCA: ', { txid });

return dcaPubKey;

// this is for withdrawing from program ATA
async function withdraw(dcaPubKey) {
// it's possible to withdraw in-tokens only or out-tokens only or both in and out tokens together. See WithdrawParams for more details
const params: WithdrawParams = {
user: user.publicKey,
dca: dcaPubKey,
inputMint: USDC,
withdrawInAmount: BigInt(1_000_000),

const { tx } = await dca.withdraw(params);

const txid = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [user]);

console.log('Withdraw: ', { txid });

async function closeDCA(dcaPubKey) {
const params: CloseDCAParams = {
user: user.publicKey,
dca: dcaPubKey,

const { tx } = await dca.closeDCA(params);

const txid = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [user]);

console.log('Close DCA: ', { txid });

async function main() {
const dcaPubKey = await createDCA();
console.log('DCA Pub Key: ', { dcaPubKey });

const dcaAccount = await dca.fetchDCA(dcaPubKey);
console.log('DCA Account Data: ', { dcaAccount });

const dcaAccounts = await dca.getCurrentByUser(user.publicKey);
console.log({ dcaAccounts });

await dca.getBalancesByAccount(dcaPubKey);

await withdraw(dcaPubKey);

await closeDCA(dcaPubKey);
